Intro to Legal Studies

54 cards   |   Total Attempts: 190

Cards In This Set

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National Association of Legal Assistants Definition: Through formal education, training, AND experience oppose regulation/ pro voluntary certification
National Federation of Paralegal Associations Definition: education, training, OR work experience supports regulation
American Association for Paralegal Education "fence-sitter" (does not take official position on licensing.
American Bar Association Standing Committee on Paralegals education, training OR work experience
Sole Proprietorship
One Attorney
Disbarment - Attorney's Sanctions
Rescinding of a lawyer's license to practice
Suspension - Attorney's Sanctions
Attorney is deprived of the right to practice law for a specified period of time.
Probation - Attorney's Sanctions
Attorney can practice, but certain requirements must be met.
Reprimand - Attorney's Sanctions
Warning that ethical violations have occured and will not be tolerated.
Privelege conferred to on a person by the government to something which he or she otherwise would not have the right to do.
Voluntary program. Promotes "self-regulation". To become certified. you must meet pre-determined qualifications.
Paralegals providing certain services would be required to register at the local or state level. Must meet certain educational, bonding, and character requirements.
Substantive Law
Governs our legal rights and duties
Procedural Law
Governs how the legal system operates.
Mens rea
Bad intent