Intermediate Accounting Ch 1

Chapter 1 from acct 250

19 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

Cards In This Set

Front Back
Identify the major financial statemetns
Balance sheet
Income statement
Statement of Cash Flows
Statement of owners' or stockholder equity
Essential characteristics of accounting
1) identification, measurement & communication of financial info
2) about economic entities to
3) interested parties
Other means of financial reporting
President's letter; supplementary schedule in corporate annual report; prospecti uses; reports filed with government agencies; news releases; management's forecasts; social or environmental impact statements
Challenges facing financial accounting
Nonfinancial measurements
forward-looking information
soft assets
Objectives of financial reporting
Is useful to present & potential investors & creditors & other users
1)making rational investment, credit & similar decisions
2) assess the amounts, timing & uncertainty of prospective cash receipts
3) clearly portrays economic resources of an enterprise & the claims to those resources
Explain need for accounting standards
Creates general purpose financial statements that makes them comparable to other companies
Generally Accepted Accounting Principles

a common set of standards & procedures
Securities & Exchange Commission

1)government agency to develop & standardized financial info
2) encourage creation of private standard setting body
3) SEC requires registrants to adhere to GAAP
SEC Oversight
SEC relies on the FASB to develop accounting standards
1) communicates problems to the FASB
2) responds to FASB exposure drafts
3) provides the FASB with counsel & advice upon request
companies listed on stock exchange must submit their financial statements to SEC
American Institute of Certified Public Accountants
Appointed CAP - issued 51 Accounting Research Bulletins
CAP - Committee on Accounting Research composed of CPAs
then created Accounting Principles Board
Accounting Principle Board
Major Purposes
1) advance written expression of accounting Principles
2) determine appropriate practices
3) narrow areas of difference & inconsistency
develop overall conceptual framework & reasearch issues before AICPA issued pronouncements
issued 31 APB Opinions
Wheat Committee
Examined APB & recommedned demise of APB creation of new structure of 3 organizations
Financial Accounting Foundation
selects members of FASB & advisory Council
funds their activities & oversees FASB activities
Financial Accounting Standards Board
Mission - establish & improve standards of financial accounting & reporting
1) smaller membership
2) full time Remunerated membership (5 years)
3) greater autonomy
4) increased indpendence
5) broader Representation
Relies on expertise of task force groups from FASAC
Financial Accounting Standards Advisory CouncilF