Insect Behavior

Insect biology test 2

16 cards   |   Total Attempts: 189

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Innate behavior
Behaviors that consist of more or less predictable responses or sequences to different types of stimuli
Learned behavior
Behavior that is acquired as the result of experience of each individual
Innate vs learned
Species members share patterns of responses and a capacity to learn, can differ bc of experience, learning modifies behavior
Limitations to learning in insects
Small size, small brain. respond quickly, short life span, developmental patterns may reduce benefits of learned behavors
Preimaginal conditioning
Feeding behaviors, caterpillars. carryover of learned info from an immature to adult stage.
Innate behavior forms
Simplest form-reflex, reflex arc-neural loop generating a response
Orientation behavior
Processes that they use to organize their behavior with respect to spatial features of the environment
Positional/primary orientation
Body position/posture conrol. dorsal light reaction, keeps head oriented in correct body position
Secondary orientation
Translatory processes. kinesis/taxis
Random locomotor reaction where speed of movement or frequency of turning depends on the intensity of stimulation. stimulus AND behavior
Movements directed toward or away from a source of stimulation. orienting movements eg
Comparisons of stimulus intensity; symmetrical deviations
Maintenance of constant angle to stimulus (bee dance)—why insects are attracted to light. They will spiral toward a light to maintain orientation
Movement in response to wind; olfactory cues—odor stimulates upwind movement
Faking death