IBA 1 EXCEL 3 Vocabulary

EXCEL 3 vocab ulary fo

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Drawing toolbar
Allows you to draw shapes and arrows and add drop shadows to cells you want to emphasize
Values in cells you can change to determine new values for formulas
Format painter button
On standard toolbar, helps you format a cell quickly by copying a cell’s format to another cell, can be used to copy the formats of a cell to a range of cells
Increase indent button
Indents the contents of a cell to the right by three spaces each time you click it.
Copy button
When clicked, it copies the contents and format of the selected range and places the copy on the office clipboard
Office Clipboard
Allows you to collect up to 24 different items from any office application
Drag and drop
To move the selected cell or cells, drag the selection to the destination area. To copy a selection, hold down the CTRL key while dragging the selection the destination. Be sure to release the mouse button before you release the CTRL key.
Insert command
On the shortcut menu, allows you to insert rows between rows that already contain data
Columns command
On the insert menu, requires that you select a single cell in a column to insert one column or a range of cells to insert multiple columns
NOW function
Insert this function on the formula bar, used to enter the system date in a cell in the worksheet
Mixed cell reference
A cell reference with only one dollar sign before either the column or the row
Toolbar dock
EXCEL allows you to position toolbars on the edge of its window. If you drag the toolbar close to the edge of the window, EXCEL positions the toolbar in a toolbar dock. EXCEL has 4 toolbar docks-one on each of the four sides of the window
Characters slant slightly to the right
3-D View Command
With this option, you can change the view to better display the section of the chart you are trying to emphasize. EXCEL allows you to control the rotations angle, elevation, perspective, height, and angle of the axes by using this command
Leader lines
When dragging the data labels away from each slice, these are thin lines that connect each data label to its corresponding slice