Human Sexuality

Study guide for CHF 351. 

13 cards   |   Total Attempts: 194

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The people who are studied or observed in a research.
... comes from the heart.
She collected women's sexual fantasies.
Nancy friday
He believed sex is natural and healthy, and he published studies in the psychology sex.
Henry havelock ellis
They observed people having sex in a lab.
Master & johnson
... is between the ears.
This type of research includes questionnaires or interviews.
He founded the institute for sex research at Indiana University, and he published the largest studies on sexual behaviors in the 40s and 50s.
Alfred kinsey
He brought us the idea about penis envy.
Sigmund Freud
This type of research was done by Masters and Johnson.
They did the largest study on homosexuality
Bell weilberg
Is a scientist who studies human sexuality.
... is between the legs.