Human Sexuality Exam 2

Human Sexuality review for Exam 2

59 cards   |   Total Attempts: 189

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-the condition when a person who possesses the gonads of one sex but external genitalia that are ambiguous or typical of the other sex.-researchers have wondered whether the gender identity of these children reflects their chromosomal and gonadal sex or the sex to which they were assigned at birth
-the condition when a person who possesses both ovarian and testicular tissue-true hermaphrodites may have on gonad of each sex (a testicle and an ovary), or gonads that combine testicular and ovarian tissue
Androgen insensitivity
-a form of intersexualism in which a genetic male is prenatally insensitive to androgens such that his genitals are not normally masculinized-at birth, their external genitals are feminized, including a small vagina, and their testes are undescended
-the individual wishes to possess the anatomic features of people of the other sex and to live as a person of the other sex
-the psychological state of being female or being male, as influenced by cultural concepts of gender-appropriate behavior-contrasted with anatomic sex, which is based on the physical differences between females and males
Klinefelter's syndrome
-a sex chromosome disorder caused by an extra X sex chromosome (male has an XXY rather than XY)-men fail to develop appropriate secondary sex characteristics. they have enlarged breasts, poor muscular development, and are infertile because they fail to produce sperm. they may also be mildly retarded-47, XXY
-sex determining region of the Y chromosome-triggers MIS (mullerian inhibiting substance)-the rate-limiting factor for other sex-differentiating genes, like SOX-9
-Dosage Sensitive Sex reversal-women have two doses of DSS, men have one and don't feminize with only one dose
-DSS, Adrenal hypoplasia, X-linked-the adrenal is not growing as much as it should-a locus on the X chromosome. if there are two of these loci, female development occurs
47, XXY
-Klinefelter's syndrome-low sex drive, at puberty, breasts grow-higher risk of dyslexia after puberty-almost all infertile, more likely to have ADHD
47, XYY
-Supernumerary Y or "super-male"
46, XX
-males with no Y-derived gene sequences
46, XY
-females without SRY mutation: downstream mutations
45, XO/Turner syndrome
-incomplete feminization -shallow vagina, no functioning reproductive tracts, webbing, decrease in intelligence-1/2,500
45, YO
-not viable, don't survive to birth (no X)