Human Bio Final Exam

Second s

10 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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The fundamental units that make up all living things are called
All living things are made of cells and cells come only from what?
pre-existing cells
As cell size increases?
Volume increases at a greater rate than surface area
The phospholipid bilayer that surrounds/maintains the integrity of a cell is called?
A plasma membrane or cell membrane
Small membranous structures that occur within the cell and have various functions are referred to as
The network of interconnected filaments and microtubules within a cell is collectively called?
What serves as a function to determines which substances enter and leave the cell, serves as a boundary between the cell and its environment, and contains receptor sites which determine how the cell interacts with its environment?

plasma membrane
What functions to produce ribosomes?
The primary source of ATP production is?
the mitochondrion
What contains digestive enzymes for intracellular digestion?