H&S Chapter 7

The title of the chapter is Hazard Recognition and Assessment.

56 cards   |   Total Attempts: 183

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Any condition or changing set of circumstances that has the potential to cause any injury
Any activity that may occur on a day to day basis as a direct or indirect result of some human or human related undertaking
Any observable human activity that is an unwanted event or occurrence that might have had a negative impact on the people, property or process involved
Any unwanted event that causes harm to people, property or processes.
They result fromm direct contact (6)
- electrical
Any trauma, physical or mental, direct or indirect, acute or chronic, experienced by a human being.
Physical Injury
Any damage to the tissue, cutting, abrasion, burning and inhalation of toxic substance
Mental Injury
Anxiety or depression
Direct Injury
Injury that is the immediate or primary result of an action, such as leaning against a hot stove and being burned.
Indirect Injury
Serious complication incurred as a result of an injury.
Acute Trauma
Injury that occurs quickly ex burn from a stove
Chronic Trauma
Injury that takes many years to develop. ex the development of a malignant tumor 25 years after exposure to a toxic material such as asbestos.
Repetitive-strain injury (RSI)
Results from ongoing continuous and repetitive actions that cause muscle or skeletal strain. ex/ Tennis elbow, golfer's elbow, phone operators elbow, writers cramp and postal workers shoulder, carpel tunnel, thoracic outlet syndrome, and white fingers disease. Origins of RSI can be traced to 4 general conditions 1. Unnatural joint position or posture 2. Force application to hinge joints, Activity repetition, and preexisting conditions.
Cumulative Trauma disorder(CTD) MUsculosketal injury(MSI) and Overuse Syndrome (OS) are injuries whos origins can be traced to continuous and repetitive actions that produce muscle or skeletal strain.
3 classes of injury
1. Direct injury 2. Indirect injury 3. Repetitive Strain injury
Overt traumatic injuries
Injuries resulting from coming into contact with an energy source (falling being struck by material)(cuts, fractures and burns)