HR Flashcards

Human Resources business unit vocabulary. 

41 cards   |   Total Attempts: 194

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Impartial analysis and evaluation conducted according toestablished criteria to determine the acceptability, merit, orworth of an item
Job Description
A broad, general, and written statement of a specific job, based on the findings of a job analysis
Human Resource Management
The administrative discipline of hiring and developingemployees so that they become more valuable to the organization
Workforce Planning
Systematic identification and analysis of what anorganization is going to need in terms of the size, type, andquality of workforce to achieve its objectives
Job Analysis
Detailed examination of the (1) tasks (performanceelements) that make up a job (employee role), (2)conditions under which they are performed, and (3) what the job requires in terms of aptitudes (potential for achievement), attitudes (behavior characteristics),knowledge, skills, and the physical condition of the employee
Substitution of telecommunications for transportation in a decentralized and flexible work arrangement which allows part or full time employees to work at home via a computerattached to the employer's data network.
The process of identifying and hiring the best-qualifiedcandidate (from within or outside of an organization) for ajob vacancy, in a most timely and cost effective manner.
The obligation of an individual or organization to accountfor its activities, accept responsibility for them, and to disclose the results in a transparent manner
System of administration distinguished by its (1) clearhierarchy of authority, (2) rigid division of labor, (3) written and inflexible rules, regulations, and procedures, and (4) impersonal relationships
The concentration of management and decision-makingpower at the top of an organization's hierarchy
Chain of command
The order in which authority and power in an organization is wielded and delegated from top management to everyemployee at every level of the organization
Transfer of decision making power and assignment ofaccountability and responsibility for results
To reduce the size of a business hierarchy, especially interms of a reduction in management
Grant of authority by one party (the delegator) to another (the delgatee) for agreed purpose(s)
Flat Organizational Structure
An organizational structure in which most middle-management levels and their functions have been eliminated, thus bringing the top management in directcontact with the frontline salespeople, shop flooremployees, and customers