HR CHapter 1 Key Terms

Chapter 1: Managing Employees for Competitive Advantage

16 cards   |   Total Attempts: 189

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The extent to which the 3 primary human resource activities are designed to achieve the goals of the organization.
The knowledge, skills, abilities, and other talents that employees possess.
Competitive Advantage
A company's ability to create more economic value than its competitors.
The individuals who work for a company.
Environmental Influences
The pressures that exist outside companies that managers must consider to strategically manage their employees.
External Alignment
The extent to which the 3 primary HR activities that a company uses help them meet its organizational demands, cope with environmental demands, and comply with regulatory issues.
The blurring of country boundaries in business activities.
HR Challenges
Challenges that managers must consider in the management of employees that relate to (1) organizational demands; (2) environmental influences; (3) regulatory issues.
Human Resource (HR) Department
A support function within companies that serves a vital role in designing and implementing company policies for managing employees.
HR Practices
The practices that a company has put into place to manage employees.
Internal Alignment
When each job in a company is valued appropriately relative relative to every other job in terms of its ability to help the firm achieve its goals.
Line Manager
The individuals who are responsible for supervising and directing the efforts of a group of employees to preform tasks that are directly related to the creation and delivery of a company's products or services.
Organizational Culture
The set of underlying values and beliefs that employees of a company share.
Organizational Demands
The factors within a firm that affect decisions regarding how to manage employees.
Primary Human Resources (HR) Activities
The strategic management of employees centers around three categories of HR activities (1) work design and workforce planning, (2) managing employee competencies, (3) managing employee attitudes and behaviors.