Howe\'s Taxonomy

5 cards   |   Total Attempts: 236

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Question 1
Whose taxonomy is Howe's based on and what are the names of the 4 quadrants
Burrell and Morgan.

Seeker after meaning - The interpretivist

Radical humanist - The raiser of consciousness

Functionalist - The fixer

Radical structuralist - The revolutionary
Question 2
What are the characteristics of theories that would be assigned to 'The seeker after meaning' quadrant?
* Assume a sociology of regulation
* Task is to interpret indivudal's actions and utterances from their perspective
* Emphasis placed on subjective experience with little interest in society's structural arrangements
* E.g. = client centred approaches
Question 3
What are the characteristics of theories that would be assigned to 'Thefixer' quadrant?
* People are viewed like any other organism, determined by their biology and environment— * —Subjective realm is irrelevant, interested in how behaviours arise, persist and can be modified —* —The aim of practice based on this position is to fix the malfunctioning person or social system so that the individual can continue on as a useful and productive member of society. —*—Often seen as similar to the medical model
Question 4
What are the characteristics of theories that would be assigned to 'The revolutionary' quadrant?
—Underlying assumptions: — * Problems, from such a perspective, are the result of the way that the social structures treat people.
* The aim of the holders of this position is to work towards changing the system itself
* Methods employed from this position include working alongside people to ensure their rights are met, refusing to act as agents of social control and in fact to promote the expression of discontent with present arrangements, and to collectivise action
Question 5
What are the characteristics of theories that would be assigned to 'The raiser of consciousness' quadrant?
—Underlying assumptions: —* The core idea of this position is … while people create their own meaning from the social world, the social world is characterised by inequality, oppression and the creation of disadvantage —* Problems are political in nature —* Aim of work is therefore to help people to become more politically aware of the source of the problems