Hlth 198: Chapter 8 Vocab

Test 3  

46 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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The science of food and how the body uses it in health and disease
Essential nutrients
Substances the body must get from foods because it cannot manufacture them at all or fast enough to meet its needs. These nutrients include proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, and water
An essential nutrient required by the body in relatively large amounts
An essential nutrient required by the body in minute amounts
The process of breaking down foods in the gastrointestinal tract into compounds the body can absorb
A measure of energy content in food; 1 kilocalorie represents the amount of heat needed to raise the temperature of 1 liter of water 1 degree Celsius, commonly referred to as calorie
An essential nutrient; a compound made of amino acids that contains carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen
Amino acids
The building blocks of proteins
Vegetables such as peas and beans that are high in fiber and are also important sources of protein
A process by which hydrogens are added to unsaturated fats, increasing the degree of saturation and turning liquid oils into solid fats. Hydrogenation produces a mixture of saturated fatty acids and standard and trans forms of unsaturated fatty acids
Trans fatty acid (trans fat)
A type of unsaturated fatty acid produced during the process of hydrogenation; trans fats have an atypical shape that affects their chemical activity
A waxy substance found in the blood and cells and needed for synthesis of cell membranes, vitamin D, and hormones
Low-density lipoprotein (LDL)
Blood fat that transports cholesterol to organs and tissues; excess amounts result in the accumulation of fatty deposits on artery walls
High-density lipoprotein (HDL)
Blood fat that helps transport cholesterol out of the arteries, thereby protecting against heart disease
Omega-3 fatty acids
Polyunsaturated fatty acids commonly found in fish oils that are beneficial to cardiovascular health