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![]() -economic system in Europe (1500s-1600s-1700s)-was in west until Capitalism came out-goal: increase nation's supply of gold, silver, etc. (most powerful nation)-required government interventions-led to an increase in colonization (source of raw materials)-wanted exports GREATER THAN imports (=don't lose money; sell more than buying)--accumulated gold by mines and Native Americans--> laborers. |
Plantation Agriculture
![]() -focus on growing staple crop (one crop)-most profitable when used slave labor-plantations were eventually established/exported to Caribbean (tobacco, sugarcane, etc.). |
Columbian Exchange
![]() -exchange of products, diseases, and natural resources native to the western hemisphere traded form other parts of the world-transformed environments in the New World. |
Black Death
![]() -the spread of the plague through Europe (wiped out 1/3 of the population)-came from Asia-transmitted by fleas on rats?-a blood-borne pathogen (had to be bit)-hit first on all the trade cities/last hit the Baltic region-two versions of the plague? (mnemonic and bubonic?-people would die quick; got boils; lymph nodes swell-some survivors-caused a dramatic population decline in Europe (created economic growth--brought population down to where they can support the people). |
Enclosure Movement
![]() -(1500s) landowners of England found that they made more money with selling sheep, so they enclosed fields and created pasture lands for sheep-peasants had the right to work on land or get kicked off the land by mercenaries (burnt down their houses). |
Protestant Reformation
![]() -no "freedom of religion" in England-caused a lot of upheaval/migration-original Catholics protesting for church to reform errors (examine itself/change)-led to a split and new Christian religion. |
Martin Luther (Lutheran)
-a Catholic monk/Theologian in Germany that taught at a University (trained priests--studied religion)-was horrified by his trip to Rome seeing the "luxury lives" of the Bishops, etc.-he followed the rules/honored his vows and was paranoid that he wouldn't be saved-he noticed practices weren't in the Bible--he questioned it-Doctrine of Justification by Faith -wrote criticism/harsh critiques of indulgence for the church to reform/examine itself/reevaluate: Ninety-Five Theses -he believed that the Bible was the only word of God/only valid practices-refused sacraments because they "didn't give salvation"/didn't think it worked, and was broken from church because of it-was called by the Pope/Holy Roman Emperor to take his critiques back/apologize/testify (was promised safety); but, Luther wouldn't take it back, so resulted in him being band from outlaw and kicked out the church-married a former nun-his religion was known as Lutheran |
Ninety-Five Theses
![]() The written critiques of indulgence written by Martin Luther to the church to reform/reevaluate |
Doctrine of Justification by Faith
![]() (written by Martin Luther) belief that salvation comes from faith alone--couldn't be earned or bought. |
John Calvin
![]() -(most important in the colonization of the New World) a French scholar/became self-taught Theologian that read Luther's teachings and agreed on many things (especially the Doctrine of Justification by Faith)-adopted central ideas--Predestination -new faith was known as Calvinist (practiced shunning/exiled people)-established a Theocracy. |
A city-state in Switzerland that was taken over by John Calvin and his followers
Institutes of the Christian Religion
![]() The "guide book" for the Calvinist faith; "instructions" written by John Calvin; more and more were added. |
The belief that God knows whether you'll be in heaven or not before birth (saved or not)
![]() When the government and religion are combined. |