Hindi - Verbs - Commonly Used

This set includes commonly used verbs in Hindi. The English meaning is given with the word as well as the pronounciation.

17 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

Cards In This Set

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खाना (to eat)
पीना (to drink)
गाना (to sing)
नाचना (to dance)
जाना (to go)
आना (to come)
कहना (to say)
बताना (to tell)
सुनना (to hear or listen)
हंसना (to laugh)
रोना (to cry)
पाना (to get)
खोना (to lose)
गवाना (to lose)
चढ़ना (to climb up or ascend)
उतरना (to climb down or descend)
खेलना (to play)
पढ़ना (to study)
सोना (to sleep)
उठना (to get up)
दौड़ना (to run)
चलना (to walk)
नहाना (to bathe)
पहनना (to wear)
निकलना (to leave)
पहुंचना (to reach)
घूमना (to roam)
रुकना (to stop)
चिढ़ाना (to tease)
मारना (to beat or kill)
फाड़ना (to tear)
तोडना (to break)
जोड़ना (to join)