Hemoglobin Mutations

Some common hemoglobin mutations

11 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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Surface Mutation, Hb E
Glu beta26 to Lys, no effect
Surface Mutation, Hb S (sickle cell)
Glu beta6 to Val, blood flow blockage, anemia, cardiac enlargement
Destabilizing Mutation, Hb Hammersmith
Phe beta42 to Ser, unstable Hb
Destabliziing Mutation, Hb Bristol
Val beta67 to Asp, unstable Hb
Destabilizing Mutation, Hb Savannah
Gly beta24 to Val, unstable Hb
Destablizing Mutation, Hb Bibba
Leu alpha136 to Pro, unstable Hb
Destablizing Mutation, Hb Philly
Tyr alpha35 to Phe, unstable Hb
Methemoglobin Stable, Hb Boston
His alpha58 to Tyr, stablizes Fe3+
Methemoglobin Stable, Hb Milwaukee
Val beta67 to Glu, stablizes Fe3+
Change alpha1-beta2 contacts, Hb Yakima
Asp beta99 to His, increase O2 affinity
Change alpha1-beta2 contacts, Hb Kansas
Asn beta102 to Thr, reduced O2 affinity