
105 cards   |   Total Attempts: 193

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The process of blood cell production
Hematopoesis occurs in ______ after birth
Bone marrow
T or F Hematopoesis is an ongoing process throughout life
Multipotent stem cells generate: 5
1.) granulocytes 2.) monocytes 3.) Lymphocytes 4.) Megakaryocytes (platelet parental cell) 5.) Erythrocytes
Where is the lymphocyte T-cells precusor development
Where is the lymphocyte B-cells precusor development
Bone marrow
Maturation in lymphocytes occurs in
Secondary lymphoid organ
What are the 2 stages of Hematopoeisis:
1.) Cell proliferation 2.) Cell differentiation
Erythrocytes and granulocytes fully or mostly differentiate when/where
Before entering blood
Where does monocytes mature
Where does lymphocytes mature
Secondary lymphatic organs
What are the 2 types of bone marrow
1.) Red Bone Marrow 2.) Yellow Bone Marrow
Active hematopoietic marrow
Red bone marrow
Adult active bone marrow where: 8
1.) Pelvic bones 2.) Vertebrae 3.) Cranium 4.) Sternum 5.) Ribs 6.) Humerus 7.) Femur 8.) Mandible
Which marrow is vascularized
Hematopoietic marrow aka red marrow