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RBCsmaller than normal --> microcyticincreased zone of central pallor -->hypochromic (less hemoglobin in each RBC) increased aniso + poik
Microcytic, hypochromicMost common cause: Fe deficChildren + Women (menses, preg)
Macrocytosishyerperseg neutrophilsee in Megaloblastic anemia (B12/folate)
Macro-ovalocyteshyperseg~~> PA(compare RBC to lymph @lower left)
Shistocytes = fragmented RBCseen in IV hemolysistypical finding for DIC
Center: several HJB (nucl remnant)below: nRBCincreased poik, aniso, + inclusions --> Spleen not present
Microcyticlack central pallor --> spherocytesHereditary Spherocytosis = lack of spectrin, decreased lifespanTest: increased osmotic fragility
NRBC + basophilic stippling in cyto--> toxic injury to BM (eg. lead poisoning, megaloblastic anemia)
Atypical lymphslarger cytonucleoliindented by RBC~~> IM
Sickle cell anemia in crisisSS prone to crystallization @low O2 tensionAS less likely to be in crisis
Hgb SCC --> target cellsRectangular RBC = Hb C crystal ==> characteristic of Hb C