Health Cards

My health flashcards! Unit5 sections 1-2

17 cards   |   Total Attempts: 189

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What are the four types of infections?
Viral, bacterial, rickettsial, fungal
What are the 6 categories of harmful microorganisms?
Viruses, bacterial, fungi, chlamydiae, rickettslae, protozoa
When was the only time mankind had ever experienced perfect health?
Before sin, adam and eve experienced life without pain and disease in the Garden of Eden.
The improper functioning of the body brought about by heredity, infection, diet, or the environment
Cannot be spread through contact or any mechanisms of transmission
Non-infectious disease
Caused by the spread of harmful microorganisms
Infectious disease
Caused by the multiplication of a small infectious agent which invades a host cell and then destroys it
Viral infection
Caused by the reproduction of a small infectious agent which produces poison that destroys cells
Bacterial infection
Caused by the multiplication of fungal organisms on or in the body
Fungal infection
Caused by microscopic parasites
Protozoan infection
A disease characterized by the unrestrained growth of abnormal cells on or in tissues of the body
A cancer that affects the connective tissues, supportive tissue, and blood vessels
A cancer that affects the skin and tissues that covers or lines the organ
A cancer that affects the tissues of the lymphatic
Cancer-causing agents that transform normal cells into cancer cells