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Perform a history for breast exam
1. Pain?2. Lumps?3. Discharge?4. Rash?5. Swelling?6. Trauma?7. History of breast disease?8. Surgeries?9. Self care behaviors, breast self exams, mammograms
Breast pain that occurs with trauma, inflammation, and benign breast disease.
Cyclic pain is common with normal breasts, oral contraceptives, and benign breast disease |
Spontaneous flow of milk from the breast, unassociated with childbirth or nursing. -Can be caused from medications, oral contraceptives, phenothiazines, diuretics, steroids, calcium channel blockers.-Ex: Paget's dz=starts with a small crust on nipple apex then spreads to areola
A screening x-ray exam of the breasts (women age 40+)
Benefits of Breast Feeding
1. Provides the perfect food and antibodies for baby2. Decreases risk of ear infections3. Promotes bonding4. Provides relaxation
Decreased estrogen levels causes _____ in breasts.
Decreased firmness.-Rapid decrease in estrogen level causes actual shrinkage.
Assessment breast exam
1. Inspect-size, shape, symmetry (common to have a slight asymmetry in size, often left breast is slightly larger)-skin is smooth and even in color, no edema-skin retraction maneuvers-inspect axillae2. Inspect breasts as woman sits, raises arms overhead, pushes hands on hips, leans forward3. Inspect supraclavicular and infraclavicular areas4. Palpate axillae and regional lymph nodes-supine position-three patterns of palpation:a. vertical strip b. spokes on a wheelc. concrete circles 4. With women supine palpate, the breast tissue, including tail of spence, nipples. and areolae5. Teach BSE
Peau d'orange
Edema exaggerates the hair follicles, giving a "pig skin" or "orange peel' look
Supernumerary nipple
Normal common variation existing of an extra nipples on the thorax or abdomen
Description of breast lump finding
1. Location (use clock face)2. size (width x length x thickness)3. shape (oval, round, lobulated, indistinct)4. consistency (soft, firm, hard)5. moveable6, distinctness7. nipple (displaced, retracted?)8. skin over lump (dimpled, erythematous)9. tenderness10. lymphadenopathy
Best time to perform breast self exam
Right after menstrual period, around 4th through 7th day of menstrual cycle when breasts are smallest and least congested
Enlargement of breast tissue, occurring with use of anabolic steroids, meds, and some disease states-occurs normally in puberty
Permature thelarche
Early breast development with no other hormone dependent signs (pubic hair, menses)
Four groups of axillary lymph nodes:
![]() 1. Central axillary nodes: high up in middle of axilla, over ribs and serratus anterior muscle. Receive lymph from other three groups. 2. Pectoral (anterior): along lateral edge of pectoralis muscle 3. Subscapular (posterior): along lateral edge of scapula 4. Lateral: along humerus inside upper arm *Most of lymph more than 75% drains into ipsilateral axillary nodes |
Breast quadrants
![]() See image |