Answer Health Assessment Techniques Flashcards

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65 cards   |   Total Attempts: 184

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What are some tools that can be used for inspection?
Otoscope, opthalmoscope, penlight, nasal and vaginal speculum
Comes first. It begins the moment you meet a pt. It is close, careful scrutiny of the person as a whole, then of each body system
Allows you to assess texture, temperature, moisture, organ location and size, swelling, vibration, crepitation, presence of lumps of masses, and presence of pain
Best for fine tactile discrimination. allows you to detect the position, shape, and consistency of an organ or mass.
Fingertips (grasping action of fingertips and thumb)
Best for determining temperature because skin is thinner here
The dorsa (back of the hand)
Best for detecting vibration
Base of the fingers
What are important things to remember about your palpation technique?
Make sure the hands are warm, use calm and gentle approach, should be slow and systemic, and begin with light palpation
When you begin with light palpation what does this allow?
The detection of surface characteristics and allows the patient to get used to your touch
Tapping the person's skin with short, sharp strokes to assess underlying structures
Why do we use percussion? (5 reasons)
1)it maps out the location and size of an organ by exploring where the percussion tone changes between the borders of the organ and its neighbors
2)signals the density of a structure by its tone
3) detects an abnormal mass if it is fairly superficial
4) elicits pain if underlying structure is inflamed
5)elicits deep tendon reflex when using reflex hammer
What are the two types of percussion? describe them.
Direct percussion:the striking hand directly contacts the body wall
indirect percussion: used more often and involves both hand. The striking hand contacts the stationary hand fixed on the person's skin
When do we use direct percussion?
When percussing the infant's thorax or the adult's sinus areas.
During percussion a structure with more air produces a ________ sound because it vibrates freely while a denser more solid structure __________ sound because it does not vibrate as easy.
Louder, deeper, longer/ softer, higher, shorter
Listening to sounds produced by the body such as heart, blood vessels, lungs, and abdomen
What are some important things to note about auscultation? what do we use?
Never listen through a gown, moisten chest hair to minimize false crackles, avoid own artifacts such as thumbs. A stethoscope is used