Health Assessment 2: Musculoskeletal

These flash cards are created from only the professors notes about the musculoskeletal system

53 cards   |   Total Attempts: 192

Cards In This Set

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What are the three types of joints and their mobility?
The three types of joints are synovial(freely movable), cartilaginous(slightly movable), and fibrous(immovable)
What is/and the function of the nucleus pulpous? Where is it found?
The nucleus pulpous is found in some cartilaginous joints and their function is to absorb impact. In joints of the spine.
What subjective data may indicate rhematoid arthritis or an infection in a joint?
Fever, chills, rash, anorexia, weight loss
When you inspect a joint what are you looking for? What do you look for when you palpate a joint?
Reddness, swelling, dislocations, bones protruding.Skin changes, nodules, muscle atrophy crepitus
What does ROM test for?
Joint function and stabilityIntegrity of ligaments, tendons and bursae
What are the 5 things to do in a musculoskeletal assessment? What is one extra thing to note?
Inspect, Palpate, ROM, muscle strengthDegenerative or inflammatory changes
What is passive ROM? When would you perform it?
Taking the client through the motions with yours supporting theirs. You would do it when the client cannot do it themselves.
What is a goniometer?
Measures the angle of the joint at its maximum flexion and extension.
What should tone in joints feel like?
Slight residual tension bilaterally
What is the scale for muscle strength? Where does passive ROM fall? ROM with gravity? ROM with resistance?
5/5. 2. 3. 5.
What directions should you watch your patient walk across the room? What is the normal base distance of a gait?
From the side and behind. 5-10 cm
What assessments are used to measure balance?
Tandem walking, walking on toes/heels, Romberg, hopping on one foot
What are the three important joints of the shoulder? What are three important points on the shoulder that allow you to landmark?
Sternoclavicular joint, acromioclavicular joint, and the glenohumeral joint.Coracoid process, acromion and greater tubercle of the humerus
What are the three groups of muscles for the shoulder? Which one is known as the rotator cuff?
Scapulohumeral group, axioscapular group, axiohumeral group. Scapulohumeral group
What are the rotator cuff muscles?
Subscapularis, infraspinatus, supraspinatus, teres minor