Health Assessment 2: Female Genitalia

Taken from the professors notes and mine

38 cards   |   Total Attempts: 184

Cards In This Set

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What does the external genitalia consist of?
Mons pubis, labia majora/minora, vestibule, vaginal opening, hymen, clitoris, prepuce, urethral meatus
What does the internal genitalia consist of?
Skenes and Batholin glands, cervix, uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries
What does introitus mean?
VAginal opening
Where are Skene's glands located? Bartholin?
Skene's - paraurethralBartholin's - posterior to vaginal opening
What are the two types of cells in the cervix and where are they located on it?
Columnar epithelium near the centre os, squamous epithelium outside of the columnar epithelium
Which area of the cervix does a PAP smear sample?
Transformation zone
How long is Tanner's stages of development? How many stages are there? When does menarche occur?
4 years and 5 stages. Menarche occurs usually in stage 3/4
What three things about menstruation is important to ask a woman?
1. Age of menarche2. Patter of menstruation**3. Age of menopause
What is the definition of menopause? What is the average age range this is reached?
No menses for 12 months. 45-52
What is the difference between primary and secondary amenorrhea? What can cause Secondary A?
Primary A is the failure of menses to startSecondary is the cessation of menses after they have already been going on. It can be caused by a hypothyroidism, anorexia, tumors, pregnancy, menopause
Distinguish between the terms:-Dysmenorrhea-Polymenorrhea-Menorrhagia-Metrorrhangia-Oligomenorrhea
-Dysmenorrhea: painful menstruation-Polymenorrhea: unusually frequent menstruation-Menorrhagia: heavy bleeding during period-Metrorrhangia: bleeding occuring in between periods-Oligomenorrhea: infrequent periods
What do these terms mean?-Gravida-Para-Preterm-Term-Abortion-Live
Gravida = # of pregnanciesPara = outcomes (the next 4 lists outcomes)
Preterm = # of preterm babiesTerm = # of term babiesAbortion = # of aborted pregnanciesLive = # of live births
What may indicate endometrial cancer?
Post menopausal bleeding; bleeding after 6 months
What is PMS and when does it occur? Symptoms?
Premenstrual Syndrome. 4-10 days before period. Mood shifts, tension, nervous, irritability, weight gain, edema, headache
What is endometriosis? What is a consequence of it?
Implantation of endometrial cells outside of the uterine lining. Infertility