Health Assessment 1: Skin, Hair and Nails

Studying for my midterm in health assessment I created questions using the professors power points and my own notes from the book.

46 cards   |   Total Attempts: 251

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What are the functions of the skin?
Maintain body homeostasisBoundary for body fluidsProtectionBody temperature regulationLargest sensor organSynthesis of vitamin D
What is capillary refill and what should the timing be?
When you press on a nail bed and it turns white, you release it and it should turn pink again. This should take about 3 seconds.
Explain some effects of aging on the skin and nails
Skin becomes thinner and weaker, less subcutaneous fat so face becomes sunken in. Vascularity of the dermis decreases. Decreases in vitamin D production. Skin regeneration slows, skin is damaged more easily. Incidence of skin cancer increases. Nails becomes softer, brittle and dry. They can yellow and thicken. Hair can thin and turn grey. You lose hair on trunk first.
What may the dryness of the breast indicate?
Compare the incidence rates of skins; white, black, hispanic.
Whites are 20 times more likely to get melanoma than black and 4 times more likely to get melanoma than hispanics.
What are some skin conditions specific to black patients?
Keloids, pigmentary disorders, pseudofolliculitis, and melasma
What is Pruritis?
What are the three types of skin cancer and their rates? Which ones are more likely to metastasize?
Basal Cell carcinoma(80%) lowest level of epidermis, rarely metastasizeSquamous Cell carcinoma(15%) most superficial layer of skin, appear crusted and scaly, possibility to metastasizeMalignant Melanoma(5%) most deadly and metastasize easily and quickly, mortality rate higher in men
What lesions can lead to squamous cell carcinomas?
Actinic Keratoses; non cancerous
Name at least 12 risk factors for cancer
More than 50 moles on the body, excessive exposure to UV rays, fair skinned, blonde/red hair, light eye colour, past Hx, family Hx, no use of sunscreen, actinic lentigenes, Hx of sunburn, immunosuppressed(HIV), older age
What can someone do to reduce the risk of skin cancer?(6)
Wear protective clothing, sunscreen, avoid sun from 1100-1600, seek shade, regular examination(every month self, year physician)
What are the rules for applying sunscreen?
Apply 30 minutes before exposure, min SPF 15, reapply every 1.5-2 hours, 30-60mL per applicaiton
What are the guidelines for examining if a mole is cancerous?
Asymmetry, Border, Colour, Diameter, Evolution/Elevated
What do you asses when you inspect the skin? (6)
Texture, moisture, tugor, temperature, colour, lesions
Describe the difference between central and peripheral cyanosis.
Central cyanosis affects areas such as the lips and tongue whereas peripheral cyanosis affects the areas such as the hand, feet and nails. (Anxiety or cold can cause PC)