Health Assessment 1: General Survey, Vital Signs

Made for my midterm. Review of most important concepts. Focused on what I don't know

33 cards   |   Total Attempts: 201

Cards In This Set

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What are the four areas to assess in a general survey?
Physical appearance, cognitive function, mobility, behaviour
What does oriented x3 mean?
Asking a client their name, where they are and the date to assess their current state of mind.
What are a few factors related to risk for disease?
BMI, waist circumference, triglyceride levels, hypertension, physical inactivity
What should the waist to hip ratio be for men? women?
1 or less. 0.8 or less
What is the difference between lorsosis and kyphosis?
Lordosis: lower back curves inKyphosis: hunching seen in older age
What is spastic hemiparesis? Sensory Ataxia? Parkinson's Gait?
One side will move better than the other, dragging of one side. Wide stepping, large steps, double tapping of feet before they hit the ground. Shuffling with arms twitched out.
What is a sinus arrhythmia? Is it dangerous?
Irregular heart beat. Not if the patient is young, if they are older than it should be watched.
What are breathing rates for Neonate? 4 years? 6 years? 12 years? 14 years? Adults?
30-40. 23-30. 21-26. 18-22. 18-22. 10-20
Name at least 7 factors that influence respiratory rate.
Exercise, acute pain, medications, smoking, anxiety, hemoglobin level, body position
What is a pulse oximeter? What a good reading? At what point do we get worried?
Measures oxygen saturation. A good reading is over 96. When it falls below 94.
What is pulse pressure?
The difference between systolic and diastolic
What are some modifiable factors of blood pressure?
Diet, exercise, medications, stress, abdominal fat, weight, smoking, inadequate intake of vitamins and minerals, excessive salt intake
What are some non-modifiable factors of blood pressure?
Gender, ethnicity, genetics, age
In people with chronic kidney disease what should the optimal blood pressure be?
What should you make sure of before taking the patients blood pressure?
If they are experiencing any pain, stress. Have they smoked or had caffeine in the last 30 minutes. No substances containing andrenergic stimulants. Bladder and bowel comfortable. No tight clothing, Quiet room, rest for 5 minutes before, patient should stay quiet throughout bp measurement.