HE 212 Test 3

Early childho od devel

27 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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Early childhood period of development skm
2 to 5 years p. 16
According to Piaget's theory, what are operations?

llm (skm)
Operations reversible mental actions that allow children to do mentally what they formerly did physically

pg. 217
What is animism?

llm (skm)
Animism is the belief that inanimate objects have lifelike qualities and are capable of action.

pg. 218
At 3 years of age, what is one gross motor skill of children?
TP (skm)
Hopping, Running, and/or running back and forth

Pg. 212
Vgotsky's theory applied to teaching: Step 1 - assess the child's zone of proximal development
TP (skm)
The skilled helper presents the child with tasks of varying difficulty to determine the best level at which to begin instruction
pg 221
What is egocentrism? KZ (skm)
The inability to distinguish between one's own perspective and someone else's pg. 217
What is the Montessori approach in childhood education? KZ (skm)
An educational philosophy in which children are given considerable freedom and spontaneity in choosing activities and are allowed to move from one activity to another as they desire. pg. 235
Piaget's Preoperational Stage JH (skm)
Second Stage - lasting from about 2 to 7 years of age, during which children begin to represent the world with words, images, and drawings - symbolic thought goes beyond simple connections of sensory information and physical action; Stable concepts are formed, mental reasoning emerges, egocentrism is present, and magical beliefs are constructed.
Zone of Proximal development (ZPD) JH (skm)
Vgotsky's term for tasks too dificult for children to master alone but that can be mastered with the assistance of adults or more- skilled children
What refers to the awareness of one's own mental process and the mental process of others? KG (skm)
Theory of Mind
What was Vgotsky's term for tasks too difficult for children to master alone but that can be learned with the assistance and guidance of adults or more skilled peers? KG (skm)
Zone of Proximal development
How can deaths of young children around the world be prevented? GM (skm)
By a reduction in poverty and improvements in nutrition, sanitation, education, and heath services
Young children make advances in what two aspects of attention? GM (skm)
Executive Attention and Sustained Attention -Executive attention involves action planning, allocationg attention to goals, error detection and compensation, monetoring progress on tasks, and dealing with novel or difficult circumstances. - Sustained attention is focused and extended engagement with an object, task, event, or other aspect of enviornment.
What is Centration? DP (skm)
The focusing of attention on one characteristic to the exclusion of all others
What is animism DP (skm)
The belief that inatimate objects have lifelike qualities and are capeable of action