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Sodium Hydroxide:
2-3% sodium hyd. in a heavy cream base w alkaline ph of 11.5-14 lye , base, no base.
Faster processing time:better for resistant hair:or course DISadvantages: irritates scalp may cause severe damage:strict time:base application needed or recommended |
Ammonium thioglycolate
4-6% thio acid with 1% ammonium hydroxidr and an 8.5 to 9.5 ph level. cream base is also usully added
better for less resistant hair:more control with time to process:better for fragile , fine or tinted hair disadvantage:not for tight curled hair |
In lamens terms what do relaxers due and the process to the hair:
Reduces curl in hair by changing its molecular structure. the relaxing product is applied ot the hair and hold he hair in a straight position while processing. in addition a smoothing or pressing action is applied ot the softened hair causeing the hair to relax and straighten further.
the neutralizing step uses a neutralizing shampoo or lotion to reduce sweling casued by alkaline formulas this chem change causes the hair to be held in the new straight configeration. |
First relaxers were made of
Potash(wood ashes) lye and white potatoes and lard
Basic relaxer services:
1) curl diffusion: chemical blow out to loosen or relax tightly curled hair patterns by approx 50% of natural shape.
2) virgin relaxer: used on virgin natural hair to striaghten up to 85% 3) a retouch relaxer: new growth only to match previously relaxed hair 4) zonal relaxer: only selected areas are relaxed (nape) |
Sodium hydroxide relaxers:
Strong alkaline from 11.5 to 14 designed to straighten tightly curled hair. also go by lye relaxers. no base relaxers are gentler to hair and scalp but still contain chemicals. no lye means sodium hydroxide is not active ingredient
Ammonium thioglycolate
Reducing agent in it that causes hair to soften and swell. hydrogen n disulfide bonds are affected during process. disulfide bonds break btw two sulfur atoms in the cystine amino acids. the neutralizing prrocess causes the split cystine amino acids to rejoin.
Relaxer strengths for thio
Mild (delicate) used on healthy color treated n fine hair processes 15 mins
regular(normal)curly- med textured hair up to 20 mins and super (resistant)-tightly curled coarse texture or resistant hair up to 25 mins |
Sodium no lye(derivitave of sodium hydroxide) and thio all have 3 principal ingredients:
Active alkaline agent(sodium potasium lithium or guanidine hydroxide), oil( that protect hair), and water. these control the relaxers effectiveness and efficianetcy
Phases of relaxer services
Chemical involves: sectioning the hair, applying the relaxer product
physical stage involves: smoothing or combing,timing and testing, and rinsing blotting and neutrilizing |
Identifying natural curl patters in hair(shape of folicle)
Straight has round
wavy has oval curly and tightly curly has elliptical |
Take preliminary tests before you preform relaxer
Porosity, elasticity, texture, density,
Relaxation test:
Two ways:
1) for curl defusion is by visual perception to know when curl desire is achieved.during combing stage watch for hair to spring back if too tight additional combing is needed. 2) for all other relaxing services the test is: known as the comb test.with the spine or back of the comb. smooth eccess productfrom scalp area. press back of comb against scalp area to determine degree of relaxation. if theres min indentation occurs or curl pattern reverts more smoothing may need to be applied. if strong indentation occurs the hair has reached relaxation. rinse and blot hair. |
Steps to create new relaxed textured pattern:
Id existing texture pattern:....wavy curly tight curl
determine desired texture pattern:....straight wavy curly analyse hair compotency....porosity..elasticity select appropriate relaxer.....curl diffusion,virgin,retouch,zonal choose relaxer product ......thio or sodium..mild reg super preform relaxer service |