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Artist: Title: Period: |
Artist: Title: Dura Europus MuralsPeriod: Jewish |
Artist: Title: Period: |
Artist: Title: Finding of Baby Moses - Dura Europos MuralsPeriod:Jewish |
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Artist: Title: Crossing of the Red Sea - Dura Europos MuralsPeriod: Jewish |
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Artist: Title: Good Shepherd, Orants, & Story of Jonah - catacombsPeriod: Early Christian |
Artist: Title: Period: |
Artist: Title: Old St. Peter's Period: Early Christian |
Artist: Title: Period: |
Artist: Title: Basillica plan - Plan of Old St. Peter's Period: Early Christian |
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Artist: Title: Central plan - Plan of Church of Santa CostanzaPeriod: Early Christian |
Artist: Title: Period: |
Artist: Title: Good Shepherd Mosaic - Tomb of Gala Placidia Period: Early Christian |
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Artist: Mathematician and Physicist (Anthemius of Tralles & Isidorus of Miletus)Title: Hagia Sophia (exterior)Period: Byzantine |
Artist: Title: Period: |
Artist: Mathematician and Physicist (Anthemius of Tralles & Isidorus of Miletus)Title: Hagia Sophia (interior)Period: Byzantine |
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Artist: Title: Justinian & His AttendantsPeriod: Byzantine |
Artist: Title: Period: |
Artist: Title: Theodora & Her AttendantsPeriod: Byzantine |
Artist: Title: Period: |
Artist: Title: Transfiguration of ChristPeriod: Byzantine |
Artist: Title: Period: |
Artist: Title: Rebecca at the WellPeriod: Byzantine |
Artist: Title: Period: |
Artist: Title: Icon - Virgin and Child with Saints and AngelsPeriod: Byzantine |