Gymnastics Glossary of Terms

Here are some flashcards which have the definitions and answers to some basic gymnastics terminology. Feel Free to look through them

9 cards   |   Total Attempts: 189

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Front Back
Answer - a no handed kart-wheel.
Back Hand Spring
Answer - a backwards flip where the gymnast places her hands on the ground, springs off their hands, and finishes in an upright position
Answer - a pre-determined amount of points that are taken off of a gymnasts total score for not performing a skill the way the gymnastics scoring system defines it.
Answer - a variety of skills that can be used to finish a routine
Answer - another name for a back-hand spring. Could be completed by landing in a step-out position, with both feet together, with both hands on the ground, or one hand on the ground.
Answer - 360 degree rotations on the uneven bars. Gymnasts hands are on the bar, swings legs downwards in an hollow bodied motion and does a full rotation around the bar.
Answer - movement where gymnast starts below the bar, glides legs out after catching bar, brings legs back to the bar, and upper body with the force of motion propels the gymnast to an up-right position.
Answer - a cartwheel where the gymnast lands with both feet together. Starts a tumbling pass.
Answer - trick completed on vault where the gymnast does a round-off onto the spring board, back-hand spring onto the vault, then proceeds to flip off the vault.