
Study guide flash cards

18 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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Why does groundwater represent such an obvious source of fresh water? What are some advantages and disadvantages to using groundwater as a water source?

Ground water was filtered through the ground and is everywhere, it is easily replenished
What are some advantages to using groundwater as a water source?
Advantages to ground water is it is everywhere, and already been filtered
What are some disadvantages to using groundwater as a water source?
Disadvantages can cause subsidence where it is over pumped, water table decline, reversal of water table slope and salt water intrusion and sinkhole formation

Through what types of materials does groundwater flow? What are porosity and permeability?
Ground water flows through porous and permeable materials; porous are voids in the soil and permeability means the water can readily pass-through those porous materials
How are these factors important to an aquifer?
These factors are important to aquifer because you are looking for an aquifer with high permeability so it is easily recharged and pumped out and so you want a high porosity as well with that a lot of space for it
What is karst, and how is groundwater flow different in karst aquifers than in sand and gravel aquifers?
Karst topography is in limestone and a landscape that includes caves and sinkholes- caused by the dissolution of limestone- Karst aquifers are different than sand and gravel aquifers because ground water flow goes more quickly through karst systems but is unfiltered
What weak acid is responsible for dissolution of bedrock in most karst areas and what is its source?
Carbonic Acid –when rain water absorbs atmospheric carbon dioxide – forms carbonic acid
What is the definition of an aquifer?
An aquifer is a rock or unconsolidated deposits that are sufficiently porous and permeable to be useful as a source of water
An aquitard?
Aquitard-low permeability materials that water is hard to flow through – very slowly-decades
What are the zone of saturation.
Zone of saturation: where pore spaces are completely filled with water
What are the common measures of water quality?

Common measures are dissolved ions, biological populations (bacteria) and synthetic chemicals
Which contains higher concentrations of dissolved ions, surface water or groundwater?
Ground water has a higher concentration of dissolved ions
Which is more difficult to clean if polluted, surface water or groundwater?
Ground water is harder to clean if polluted
What is the best way to determine groundwater flow direction in karst aquifers?
Why is industry considered the largest water user, whereas agriculture is the largest water consumer?
Industry uses and recycles more and goes through the cycle first. Agriculture it uses less but takes longer to go through the cycle