Greek/Roman Mythology

Everything since the midterm

110 cards   |   Total Attempts: 190

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Goddess of grain and agriculture/giver of life and civilization
Persephone's parents
Demeter and Zeus
Eleusianian Mysteries
Big festival in Sept/Oct, harvest time. Men and women took part and praised Rhea and Demeter. Rituals included fasting, praise and cleansing in the sea.
Festival in which pigs were sacrificed into a pit. Retrieved 3 days later, women lowered into pit symbolizing Persephone's decent into Hades.
Judge of the dead. The messenger of Demeter, she taught him how to plough and he taught people all over the world.
The brother of Paris, Champion of Troy. Always brave and honourable, excelled only by Achilles
Wife of Hector, sold into slavery after the trojan war
Has the gift of prophecy when a serpent licked his ears as an infant. Caught by Odysseus, only son of Priam to survive the war, eventually became the kind of Epirus
Loved by Apollo who gave her the ability to foretell the future. She rejected him and he cursed her so that no-one would ever believe her prophecies
Daughter or Priam (?) Sacrificed on the tomb of Achilles as his share of the spoils of Troy
Son of Anchises and Aphrodite. Poseidon says that he will be the eventual king of Troy. It is said that after his exploits in Troy he left to found Rome in Italy
Brother of Hecuba, Advised the return of Helen to the Spartans. Spared during th sack of Troy. Left with his wife Theano (a preistess of Athena) went to Italy and founded Patavium (Padua)
Leader of the Lycians, an ally of Troy. Son of Zeus, and was noble like Hector
Leader of the Thracians, son of muses. Worshipped in Thrace, and was killed by Diomedes and Odysseus
"Lord of men", not the greatest fighter or diplomat. Brother of Meneleus. Wasnt as good as Achilles, had special armour that inspired fear/awe