Grc 328 Sheetfed Offset Lithography

A class on sheetfed offset lithography printing.

34 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

Cards In This Set

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Components of each printing unit
Plate, impression, and blanket cylinders
ink and water form rollers
ductor roller
3 cylinder system
Plate, blanket, impression. 1 color per each unit
5 cylinder system
2 separate plate and blanket cylinders share 1 common impression cylinder. 2 colors per unit.
Bearer ring

cylinder body


On edge of cylinders, where cylinders contact each other to alleviate strain on cylinder body

the part of the cylinder where the plate or blanket goes

the sideways distance between bearer ring and cylinder body

the vertical distance from the cylinder body to the top of the bearer ring
Calculate packing height of blanket cylinder

blanket thickness is .006
packing sheets are .003 each, 2 pieces used
undercut is .009
Undercut - (blanket thickness + 2 pieces packing) = packing height of cylinder
Total squeeze
Packing height of blanket + packing height of plate

answer can be positive or negative!
Problems caused by inadequate packing and too much packing
Inadequate packing = not enough pressure, therefore bad impression/no image

excessive packing = damages the blanket, causes slur & dot gain
Conventional and compressible blankets
Conventional = hard roller, ink situates at the nip. is good for heavy ink coverage projects

compressible = better resolution, ink is distributed at the nip. it is lower pressure, so a good impression is more difficult to get than
Blanket surface and ink release
If the blanket surface is smooth slurring might occur because it is harder to release the substrate if both are smooth, might slide before release and slur the image

if the blanket rougher, there is a much easier release, but it is harder to get a fine resolution due to the gritty, rough blanket.
Warp and weft
Weft goes across cylinder, (weft to right)

warp goes around the cylinder (paper warp occurs from wrapping around cylinder)
Store blanket
Flat, in container (not upright, causes gravity to be bad to it) in a cool, dark, dry place
Stream feeder and single sheet feeder
Stream feeder used for higher quality, larger, faster presses.

single sheet feeder used for smaller presses, usually limited in speed by the feeder.
3 point sheet alignment system on feeding board
2 front stops and 1 side stop. side stop changes for work and turn but not for work and tumble. only 1 side stop used at a time.
Work and turn vs work and tumble
Work and turn - gripper stays the same

work and tumble - gripper changes
Spraying powder: pros and cons
Pros: prevents offset and blocking

cons: soils press, makes blanket dirty (which prevents ink from sticking to it), makes it harder to print on back side of press sheet