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Transfer payment
Payment for which the government receives either goods nor services in return
A transfer payment that one level of govenrment makes to another that does not involve compensation (counts as intergovernmental revenue)
Government payment to encourage a certain economic activity
Distribution of income
Way in which the nation's income is allocated among families, individuals, or other designated groups
Federal budget
Annual plan outlining proposed expenditures and anticipated revenues
Fiscal year
12-month financial planning period that may not coincide with the calendar year
Appropriations bill
Legislation authorizing spending by federal agencies for certain purposes
Budget decifit/surplus
A negative/positive balance after expenditures are subtracted from revenues
Mandatory spending
Gederal spending authorized by law that continues without the need for annual approvals by Congress
Discretionary spending
Spending for federal rpograms that must receive annual authorization
Federal healthcare program for senior citizens, regardless of income
Joint federal-state medical insurance program for low-income people
Balanced budget amendment
Constitutional amendment requiring government to spend no more than it collects in taxes and other revenues, excluding borrowing
Intergovernmental expenditures
Funds that one level of government transfers to another level for spending
National debt
Total amount borrowed from investors to finance the government's deficit spending