The Gospel of Luke

Lucas lukey lukeroni!

36 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

Cards In This Set

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What were Luke's sources?
Mark, Q, L(material only in Luke)
Who is Theophilus?
Wealthy benefactor who supports Luke in his writing and stands behind him
What book is Luke similar to?
Unknown but probably a follower of Paul
What is a main Lukan emphasis?
What are the events Luke puts prayer at?
Baptism, after hectic ministry schedule, before choosing disciples, before predicting passion, at transfiguration..etc
Other Luke prayer events?
Return of 70, Before teaching disciples how to pray, in Gethsemane, On cross
What are the 12 disciples representative of?
12 tribes of Israel
What is Luke's teaching on prayer?
The friend at midnight, unrighteous judge
What are unique incidences of prayer?
Simon I have prayed for you, exhorts disciples to pray in Geth., prays for enemies forgiveness @ cross
What is another thing Luke emphasises?
Holy Spirit
How many times does the HS occur in Luke's gospel?
16 - 4/5 in others
Who, in Luke's gospel are full of HS?
Mary, Jesus, Zechariah
What does it mean that Luke is a programmatic text?
Sets agenda for Jesus, fulfillment of scripture
What NT book does the HS drive the story of?