Global History Review "Important People"

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Akbar the Great
(1592-1605) greatest Mogul Emperor of India; Muslim leader who promoted religious toleration with the Hindu majority; married a Hindu princess; established a strongly centralized rule and competent civil service.
Alexander the Great
(356-323 B.C.) became king of Macedonia in 336 upon assassination of his father Philip; proceeded to control Greece and conquered the entire Persian Empire; laid the foundation for the fusion of Greek and Middle Eastern cultures during the Hellenistic period; maintained peace and unity in the Middle East, which later influenced the Romans
Kofi Annan
(1938- ) elected UN secretary-general in 1997 for a five-year term of office; first secretary-general to rise through the ranks of the organization; first black African from sub-saharan area (Ghana) to serve as head of the United Nations; educated in the US; proposed UN reform such as consolidation of offices and revision of the UN charter to improve efficiency.
Yasir Arafat
(1929-2004) chief spokesman and leader of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) since 1969; chief goal-destruction of the state of Israel. In 1974 he was the first representative of a nongovernmental agency to address the UN General Assembly; in 1988 he renounced terrorism.
(384-322 B.C.) Greek philosopher who wrote works on philosophy, science, government, and literature; served as personal tutor to Alexander the Great; his works influenced European thinking for over 200 years.