Global History Chapter 5 Section 2: The Rise of Greek City States Pgs 105-09


19 cards   |   Total Attempts: 184

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What peninsula is Greece in?
The Balan
What did the Greeks Trade?
Olive Oil and Wine
What is a Polis?
A city state with an acropolis atop worshipping the gods, and normal land on bottom of hill were people live.
How do governments evolve from 750-500BC?
They turn from a monarchy to an aristocracy to an oligarchy
When can normal people start getting bronze weapons?
When Iron becomes useful and the price of bronze weapons goes down.
How many kings are in Spartan government?
What is the main focus of spartan culture?
What are two responsibilities that women had in Spartan society?
To keep fit , to produce healthy babies.Sometimes to manage estate, when men were at war.
Did Sparta have much culture besides warfare?
Where is Athens Located?
Attica; North of peloponnese
Who was unhappy originally with the Athenian government?
Everyone from upper middle class downward, including foreigners who couldn't get in.
When does Solon come to power?
594 BC
How does the tyrant Pisistratus help people?
Gives loans to farmers as well as making building projects for the poor to work on.
How many Athenians are slaves at one point?
10's of thousands.
How are women looked at in Athenian culture?
Less intelligent/ capable then men