GIS Chapter 5

End of chapter definitions from Introduction to GIS by Kang-tsung Chang.

24 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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Coordinate geometry (COGO)
A branch of geometry that provides the methods for creating geospatial data of points, lines, and polygons from survey data.
Data conversion
Conversion of geospatial data from one format to another.
Differential correction
A method that uses data from a base station to correct noise errors in GPS data.
Digital line graphs (DLGs)
Digital representations of point, line, and area features from USGS quadrangle maps including contour lines, spot elevations, hydrography, boundaries, transportation, and the U.S. public Land Survey System.
The process of converting data from analog to digital format.
Digitizing table
A table with a built-in electronic mesh that can sense the position of the cursor and can transmit its x-, y-coordinates to the connected computer.
Direct translation
The use of a translator or algroithm in a GIS package to directly convert geospatial data from one format to another.
Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC)
A U.S. multiagency committee that coordinates the development of geospatial data standards.
Framework data
Data that many orgaizations regularly use for GIS activities.
Geospatial One-Stop (GOS)
A prtal established by the Federal Office of Management and Budget for accessing geospatial data.
Global positioning system (GPS) data
Longitude, latitude, and elevation data for point locations made available through a navigational satellite system and a receiver.
Data that provides information about geospatial data.
National Elevation Dataset (NED)
A USGS program that uses a seamless system for delivering 1:24,000 scale DEMs (1:63,360 scale DEMs for Alaska).
National Land Cover Data 1992 (NLCD 1992)
Land use/land cover data compiled from the Thematic Mapper imagery of the early 1990s for the conterminous U.S.
National Land Cover Database 2001 (NLCD 2001)
Land use/land cover data compiled from the Landsat 7 ETM+ imagery for all 50 states of the U.S. and Puerto Rico.