Can You Command a German Dog Flashcards

So, you think you can command a German dog , well for that you need to know these terms. These terms are essential to command them. The instructor must understand the meaning and the use of each word.

20 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

Cards In This Set

Front Back
Heel (English)
Fuss (German)
Sit (English)
Sitz (German)
Stay (English)
Bleib (German)
Down (English)
Platz (German)
Come (English)
Hier (German)
Stand (English)
Steh (German)
Fetch (English)
Bring (German)
Jump (English)
Hopp (German)
Go out (English)
Voraus (German)
Track (English)
Such (German)
Guard (English)
Pass auf (German)
Bite (English)
Fass (German)
Out (English)
Aus (German)
Speak (English)
Gib Laut (German)
Kennel (English)
Zwinger (German)