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What is Base Level?
The lowest elevation to which a stream can erode it channel.
Two types: Ultimate Base Level, an Temporary Base Levels
What is Sea Level?
The level of the surface of the ocean relative to the land, halfway between high and low tide.
Processes involved in Hydrologic cylcle
Precipitation, Evaportation, Infiltration (the movement of water into rocks or soil through crack and pore spaces) and transipiration (the release of water vapor to the atmosphere by plants).
*Running water is the single most important agent sculpting Earth's land surface.
Factors contributing to Stream Turbulance
Gradient (slope of the stream's channel), shape, size and roughness of the channel, and the streams discharge (amount of water passing a given point per unit of time).
Stream Gradient
The slope of a stream channel, expressed over a specified distance.
Stream Discharge
The used most often to compare the size of streams; the volume of water flowing past a certain point in a given unit of time.
What is Stream Sinuosity?
A way measure a how a stream maintains a constant slope.
Erosion along meandering streams
- Streams travel along bends.
- Streams meander because erosion occurs on the outside and deposition occurs on the inside.
Stream Erosion
- A streams ability to accumalate and transport soil and weathered rock is aided by the work of raindrops, which knock sediments loose.
Streams cut channels into bedrock channels through 3 main processes.
Quarrying, Abrasion, and Corrosion.
What is Quarrying?
The removal of blocks from the bed of the channel.
What is Abrasion?
Process by which the bed and banks of a bedrock channel are ceaselessly bombarded by particles carried in the flow. (Potholes)
What is Corrosion?
A process by which rock is gradually dissolved by the flowing water.
Stream Valleys
Most common landforms on Earth's surface. It is divided in to 2 types: Narrow V shape valleys, and Wide valleys with flat tops.
Characteristics of V shape valleys
- Generally form in arid regions where
- dowcutting toward base level is rapid & weathering is slow.