Geology 101 Final Review

Questions from exams throughout the year

89 cards   |   Total Attempts: 194

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What is the largest reservoir on earth?
Larger streams that break off to form smaller streams
Water that is not under pressure but freely flowing, will move...
Down Gradient
River feature that forms across the neck of a meander
What river feature forms b/c of erosion on the outside of a meander loop?
Cut -bank
Suspended load
Silt and fine particles carried by water
What feature is found at the mouth of a stream or river?
What is the ultimate base level?
Sea level
What is the meaning of "100 year flood"
There is 1 in 10 chance that a flood will occur
Process in which water enters the water table
Discharge Zone
At the intersection of land with the water table
Zone of Aeration
Occurs above the water table
Ground water can…1)Deposit material 2)transport material 3)Dissolve material 4) all of the above
All of the above
The water table is defined as….
The top of the zone of saturation
An Aquifer...
Contains water. It can move freely