Genetics and Molecular Diagnostics Flashcards

How well can do you know about the following Genetics and molecular diagnostics? Answer these quiz based flashcards based on the following Genetics and molecular diagnostics and check your knowledge.

11 cards   |   Total Attempts: 189

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Understtanding thtat fundementtal process of inheritance
Organisms completet genetic insttructions
A single chromosome conttaining one dna duplex
Location of junk DNA inactive regions , no transcripttion
Via plasmids
Transfer of material from direct cell tto cell conttact
Transposons, jumping gneses transfering dna via
Primary constrictiton of the chromosome, separating the short and longer arm at the point whihc spindle fibers attach to pull chromatids apart during cell division
Eithter of a pair or serious of alternative forms of a gnee that can occupy the same locus on a particular chromosome and that can control the same character
An allele
One among two identtical copies of dna making up a replicated chromosome
Refers to thte seperatetd pair of identical copies of chromattin that were connected by a centromere
Daughter chromatids