Study for Genetics Final Exam Flashcards

Study and Revise for Genetics Final Exam with these best Flashcards. Learn the best from Genetics topic using easy tricks of Flashcards and become a master of this topic.

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1) When an organism gains or loses one or more chromosomes but not a complete haploid set, the condition is known as; A) polyploidy B) euploidy C) aneuploidy D) triploidy E) Trisomy
1) Cri-du-chat syndrome has a genetic composition designated as, A) 45, X B) Heteroplasmy C) 46, 5p- D) Triploidy E) Trisomy
1) A genomic condition that may be responsible for some forms of fragile-X syndrome as well as Huntington’s disease, involves A) plasmids inserted into the FMR-1 gene B) various lengths of trinucleotide repeats C) multiple breakpoints fairly evenly dispersed along the X chromosome D) multiple inversions in the X chromosome E) single translocations in the X chromosome
1) Recently, a gene located on chromosome 3 in humans, FHIT has been shown to be associated with A) cancer B) Huntington’s disease C) Mad-cow disease D) Klinefelter syndrome E) XYY/ XY mosaicism
1) In Trisomy 21 or Down syndrome, although there is reduced fertility in both sexes females are more fertile than males. Assume that children are born to female with Down syndrome and a normal male. What proportion of children would be expected to have Down syndrome? A) 1/3 B) 2/3 C) All D) None E) ½
1) Nondisjunction is considered as a major cause of aneuploidy. T/ F
1) Familial Down syndrome can be caused by a translocation between chromosome 1 and 14. T/ F
1) A deletion may set up a genetic circumstance known as overdominance. T/ F
1) A pericentric inversion includes the centromere. T/ F
1) Assume that an organism has a diploid chromosome number of 14. There would be 56 chromosomes in a tetraploid. T/ F
1) A position effect occurs when a gene’s expression is altered by virtue of a change in the position. Position effects occur with inversions and translocations. T/ F
1) rDNA in eukaryotes is typically redundant. T/ F
1) Allopolyploid a) Trisomy 13 2) Turner syndrome b) rDNA 3) Familial Down syndrome c) deletion on chromosome 15 4) Patau syndrome d) X-linked trait 5) Edward syndrome e) lacks centromere 6) Williams syndrome f) 45, XO 7) Prader-Willie syndrome g) chromosome sets from different species 8) Gene redundancy h) deletion in chromosome 7 9) Bar mutation i) Trisomy 18 10) Acentric chromatid j) Translocation between chromosome 14 and 21
1) Which of the following organelles are involved in the general category of organelle heredity? A) mitochondria and chloroplasts B) R factors C) Lysosomes and peroxisomes D) Factors and episomes E) Golgi and rough endoplasmic reticulum
1) The term heteroplasmy refers to which of the following? A) cells with a variable mixture of normal and abnormal organelles B) heterozygous individuals with more than one gene pair involved C) conditions where the germ plasm is a mixture of dominant and recessive genes D) a circumstance that is homologous to incomplete dominance E) various stages of development of mitochondria and chloroplasts