Change in Structure of Chromosome Affect Health & Development Flashcards

213 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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Chromosome mutations are
Variations in the number and structure of chromosomes and also play an important role in evolution
Variations in chromosomes may lose or gain
Parts of induvidual chromosomes and the order of genes within a chromosome may become altered
The centromere is located approximately in the middle, and the chromosome has two arms of EQUAL length
The centromere is displaced toward one end, creating a short and a long arm which is represented by p and q
Submetacentric arms
P arm: "petitie" arm
The centromere is near one end, producing a long arm and a knob, or satelliite, at the other end
The centromere is at or very near the end of the chromosome
The compelete set of chromosomes possesed by an organism is called a
To determine chromosome structure and viewing is best carried out by which cell stage
Metaphase, where the chromosomes are lined up
A human karyotype consists of
46 chromosomes
Staining of chromosomes with a special dye called Giemsa reveals
G bands
G bands
Distinguish areas of DNA that are rich in adenine-thymine (A-T) base pairs
Q bands are revealed by staining chromosomes
With quinacrine mustard and viewing chromosomes under ultraviolet light
Variation in the brightness if the Q bands results from
Differences in the relative amounts of cytosine-guanine (C-G) and adenine-thymine base pairs
C band techniques
Which are regions of DNA occupied by centromeric heterochromatin