Genetics Chapter 1


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Albinism is caused by...
Genome is...
The study of genetics is divided into what 3 subdisciplines?
An autosomal recessive trait-lack of pigment
A complete set of genetic instructions for any organism encoded in DNA or RNA. Coding system and copying system are similar for all life.
Transmission genetics, population genetics, and molecular genetics.
Transmission genetics:
Encompasses the basic principles of heredity and how traits are passed on from one generation to the next. relation between chromosomes and heredity, arrangement of genes on chromosomes, and gene mapping.
Molecular genetics
Chemical nature of the gene itself, encoding, replication, expression, gene regulation. focus is on the gene-structure organization and function
Population genetics
Genetic composition of groups of individual members of the same species and how composition changes over tme and space. evolution.
Model genetic organisms + examples
What makes something a good model genetic organism
Organisms having characteristics that make them useful for genetic analysis-lots of genetic information accumulated. Drosophila, E-coli, etc.
short generation time, manageable number of progeny, adaptability to lab environment, housed and propagated inexpensively.
Inheritance of acquired characteristics
Blending inheritance
Specific particles, later called gemmules, carry information from various parts of the body to the reproductive organs, then passed to embryo at conception.
Traits acquired in one's lifetime become incorporated into one's hereditary info.
Inside the egg or sperm there is a tiny miniature adult, homunculus, which enlarges during development. this suggests that all traits would be inherited by one parent
offspring are a blend of parental traits (like blending paint). once blended can't be separated in future generations.
Cell theory
Germ plasm theory-Weismann

All life is composed of cells, cells arise from preexisting cells, cell is fundamental unit of structure and function in living organisms.
the cells in the reproductive organs carry a complete set of genetic info that is passed to the egg and sperm
Eukaryotic vs. Prokaryotic
Prokaryotic cells lack a nuclear membrane and possess no membrane bounded organelles. Eukaryotic cells  have nucleus and membrane bounded organelles
A unit of information that encodes a genetic characteristic
a gene that specifies a characteristic may exist in several forms called alleles. black fur, orange fur, etc.
Traits are not inherited directly, genes are inherited. genes are the genotype, traits are the phenotype.
Polymers of nucleotides containing sugar, phosphate, and nitrogenous base.
Genes are located on chromosomes, consist of DNa and associated proteins.