Gender Inequality

CS: Culture- Gendered practices

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What is the Social Institutions and Gender Index (SIGI)?
The Social Institutions and Gender Index (SIGI) is a new composite measure of gender equality, based on the OECD’s Gender, Institutions and Development Database. It complements and improves existing measures in several ways. While conventional indicators of gender equality capture inequality outcomes, the SIGI focuses on the root casus behind these inequalities.
How do social institutions affect development outcomes?
1. Can determine level of women's education and employment ( (a) Reduces labour force and (b) reduces contribution to GDP) 2.Determines marriage ages for women. 3. Can diminish women's quality of life. 4. Literacy rates may be lower 5. Discrimination against women
What are the indicators used to measure SIGI?
Family Code, Physical Integrity, Son Preference, Civil Liberties and Ownership Rights. Each of the SIGI indicators is coded between 0, meaning no or very low inequality, and 1, indicating very high inequality.
Is Gender inequality a problem in the Caribbean
To some extent. In Jamaica literacy rates are high for both men and women, equal rights are in the constitution but few women are in government.
What impact has the use of the SIGI had on countries?
Average prevalence of marriage has decreased from 21% to 17 %. 22 countries have increased their combat domestic violence policies.