Funeral Psychology /Sociolgy


119 cards   |   Total Attempts: 194

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Abnormal grief
Grief extending over a long period of time without resolution
Acute grief
Intense physical and emotional expression of grief occurring as the awareness increases of a loss of someone.
Individual's ability to adjust to the psychological and emotional changes brought on by stressful events
Feeling and their expression
Those appropriate and helpful acts of counseling that come after the funeral
Intentional infliction of physical or psychological harm on another
Fear or anxiety caused by the sudden realization of danger
State of estrangement an individual feels in social setting that are viewed as foreign,unpredictable
A choice of services and merchandise aavailable as families making a selection and complete funeral arrangement
Blames directed towards another person
Anomic grief
Term to describe the experience of grief when mourning customs are unclear due to inappropriate death and the absence of prior bereavement experience
Anticipatory grief
Syndrome characterized by the presence of grief anticipation of death or loss
State of tension, typically characterized by rapid heartbeat and shortness of breath
At need counseling
Death has occurred and the funeral director is counseling with the family as they select the services and items of merchandise in completing arrangements for the funeral service of their choice
Attachment theory
Tendency in human beings to make strong affectional bonds with others coming from the need for security and safety