Freud's Psychosexual Stages of Development

Lifespan Ch.1

14 cards   |   Total Attempts: 205

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Psychoanalytic Theory: What is the Id?
Biological self; pursues the fulfillment of physical needs (i.e. hunger and sex); irrational; pleasure principle: pursuit of gratification.
Psychoanalytic Theory: What is the Ego?
Rational, realistic; reality principle: devise rational approach to seek gratification
Psychoanalytic Theory: What is the Superego?
Internalizing parent. Children begin to feel guilty; executive function.
What are Freud's five psychosexual stages of development?
What age is the oral stage?
Birth to 1 yr
What age is the anal stage?
1-3 yrs
What age is the phallic stage?
3-6 yrs
What age is the latency stage?
6 yrs to puberty
What age is the genital stage?
Puberty through adulthood
What are the implications of the oral stage?
Infant develop special relationships with caregivers.Mouth is the source of greatest pleasure. Too much or too little oral satisfaction can cause an "oral fixation"
What are the implications of the anal stage?
Harsh or overly indulgent toilet training can cause an "anal fixation" leading to later adult traits such as being greedy or messy
What are the implications of the phallic? stage
Sexual desire directed toward the opposite sex parent makes the same-sex parent a rival.
What are the implications of the latency stage?
Period of personality development. Sexual desires are repressed. Energy is directed in work/ play.
What are the implications of the genital stage?
Adult sexual needs are main motivator for behavior. Seek to fulfill needs in socially acceptable ways, work and marriage.