French Quiz: Reflexive Verbs

Different reflexive verbs. The pronouns for the reflexive verbs.

22 cards   |   Total Attempts: 198

Cards In This Set

Front Back
Se Brosser les Cheveux/ les Dents
To brush one's hair/ teeth
Se Coiffer
To do ones hair
Se coucher
To go to bed
Se deshabiller
To undress
To go to sleep/ to fall asleep
To get dressed
Se laver (les mains)
To wash oneself (ones hands)
Se lever
To get up, to get out of bed
Se maquiller
To put on makeup
Se raser
To shave oneself
Se regarder
To look at oneself
Se reveiller
To wake up
Se secher
To dry oneself
Je tuil/ ellenousvousils/ elles
Translate:They wake up.
Ils se reveillent.