Free Jazz and Avant-garde Jazz Test 2

Free jazz (19 59-1960s

32 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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Name 3 VIPs of free jazz
Ornette coleman, cecil taylor, john coltrane
How did free jazz emerge?
Emerged because of the dissatisfaction with the expressive possibilities of bepop, hard bop, and modal jazz
Free jazz attempted to...
Break down conventions of jazz by discarding fixed chord changes or tempos
What term did musicians often use when describing playing in a free jazz manner?
Out or outside
What is the most important early recording in free jazz?
"the shape of things to come" by ornette coleman
Define avant-garde in music
An extreme form of musical improvisation in which little or no regard is given to chord structure or rhythms.
Avant-garde may refer to what forms of music?
Any form of experimental music even those working with in many of the traditional structures
What elements does avant- garde combine?
Elements of avant-garde music with elements of traditional jazz
How to free jazz and avant-garde jazz compare and differ?
Free jazz and avant-garde jazz overlap but differs in that free jazz is generally performed with fewer or no predetermined structure or composition
John coltrane was known as 2 things.
Saxphonist and composer
During the 1960s John coltrane let a very important what?
What was john coltrane's nickname?
This person reshaped modern jazz, is the predominant influence on successive generations of saxophonist, he fundamentally altered expectations for the instrument sax
John coltrane
Name the three periods of JOhn Coltrane's music career.
1. MIles and Monk (1955- 1959) 2. The Classic Quartet (1959- 1965) 3. Avant- garde Jazz and the Second Quartet (1965-1967)
WHo was in Miles Davis' Second Great Quintet?
Wayne SHorter (sax), herbie Hancock (piano), Ron Carter ( bass), Tony WIlliams (drums)