Four Eyes- Quotes

Quotes from balzac

12 cards   |   Total Attempts: 191

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Shows that four eyes represents danger
In his presence everything became tinged with danger.
Shows that four eyes is a very angry person
He let out a stream of abuse as if he had just been blinded.  He was so enraged that he didn't even hear our jovial shouts of greeting 
Shows that four eyes is not a very happy person 
I think it must have been the first time since his arrival that four eyes actually beamed at anyone with deep contentment 
the smile faded from four eyes face making way for a scowl.
Sibilance showing the slyness and danger of four eyes character
His glasses kept slithering down his small nose
Quotes showing that four eyes was like an army commander
"his voice had the sharp edge of an army commander""the crackled paper blended with his scolding, school mastery tone"
Shows the arrogance of four eyes
" he was insanely arrogant and his voice seethed with longing and hatred."
Shows that four eyes is sly 
"he 's not so fond of ur friend it seems" - " he thinks he's a bit sly" - irony
Shows that four eyes is a lyer 
"one day my son got so angry with the fellow that he punched him on the jaw and gave him a beating. I'm told he bled profusely"
Shows that four eyes is fake 
" her son's vivid imagination was better suited to fiction then to faking folk songs" - alliteration
Shows how little friendship means to four eyes
"although we were the only two friends four-eyes ever made on the mountain, we were not on the guest list"-"I stayed friends with them because i thought u and Pa had problems with your teeth, and that one day Luo's father might be of assistance"
Four eyes is a coward
"its a remedy against cowardice"-"i am sure it is the buffalo blood that has upset me"- " its the buffalo blood.  I feel really bad"
"once belonged to the unfortunate buffalo responsible for breaking Four-Eyes's glasses