Founders of Sigma Chi

Founders of Sigma Chi

14 cards   |   Total Attempts: 189

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Benjamin Piatt Runkle (quote)
"Courageous in spirit and idealism"
James Parks Caldwell (quote)
"True To Principle"
Thomas Cowan Bell (quote)
"The Qualities of learning"
Franklin Howard Scobey (quote)
"Courteous and Loyal in his friendship"
William Lewis Lockwood (quote)
"Honest and trustworthy through life"
Daniel William Cooper (quote)
"Ruler of the Spirit"
Isaac M. Jordan (quote)
"Energetic and faithful to every task"
Benjamin Piatt Runkle, facts
Leader of the Deke rebellion, Designed New Badge, Only Founder member of the grand counsel.
James Parks Caldwell, facts
14, helped lead the orginization of Sigma Chi. Remembered fondly for the spirit of the youth, Would not renounce allegiance to the confederacy
Thomas Cowan Bell, facts
Aunts house served as first chapter home, Super attendant of nobels county in Minnesota, LT. colonel but referred to as a modest, Major Bell.
Franklin Howard Scobey, facts
Main Propent of the spirit of Sigma Chi, Helped lead the rebellion within DEKE, Was popular even among enemies of founders.
William Lewis Lockwood, facts
Only founder who was not DEKE, Considered a buisness man of the group, Alpha chapter first treasure.
Daniel William Cooper, facts
Elected first council of the alpha chapter, Pin is passed to the grand council every year, Wore orginal badge throughout his life till death.
Isaac M. Jordan, facts
Created the qualities of good character, created the alumini chapter in Cincinatti, Elected to the U.S. congress.